We can also provide same day delivery on SIMs in the South of Tenerife !
Your home might be sunny Spain, but you’ll find everything here with Lobster Mobile in English including our Customer service!. Lobster Mobile gives you exactly what you need. Check out these deals below...
As authorised Lobster distibutors you can be assured of the same great value & service available from Lobster and we deliver to your door.
What Would You Like To Save Money on?
Why Switch?
A good question and one we get a lot. Put simply: You save money, hundreds of Euros a year !
If you contract mobile & fibre with Lobster through us you save money on both your fibre & mobile plan.
In addition you get to keep your number because with Lobster you can also keep your existing number, the process is easy and painless and there's no commitment. With Lobster Mobile you pay every 28 days. Stop and start when you like. There’s nothing to tie you down.
If you contract fibre & mobile with Lobster through us you not only save money on your fibre as we're the cheapest out there but you get an additional 5 Euros discount every month on your mobile plan.
What Would You Like To Save Money on?
Free International Calls With Lobster Mobile
You can use your Lobster Mobile if you are travelling to the UK or most European countries.
With all our plans when you’re outside of Spain you can use your plan’s calls and texts in and between most European countries including the UK, and you can even use your data too, with no extra charge subject to our fair usage policy.
Remember, premium numbers and some special numbers in the country you are travelling to cannot be called.
Here’s the full list of European countries where you can use your plan’s calls and texts and data with with Lobster at no extra charge:
- United Kingdom
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Sweden
Lobster makes it easy and simple